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Keeping In Touch With People - The Followup Framework Video

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
This is a really good video from Derek Halpern of Social Triggers where he talks about his method of making sure he follows up with people after networking events and conferences.

His technique is so simple but I bet most people have never used this. Definitely worth a watch as it's only 5 minutes long!

Tell us what you think of the video.

What techniques do you use to keep in touch with people?
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
It sounds really simple, but also effective. Making sure you email people you meet is essential - chances are they won't remember you as they'll have met so many people. If they don't reply then it doesn't matter, at least you've tried. If you DON'T email them, there's a ZERO chance of them getting in touch!

It's also brilliant, as he says, to make it sound as though there is something that YOU can do for THEM. People like people who can help them, so it's the perfect thing to do. Sometimes, just starting a conversation can bring about discussions that become incredibly valuable in the future.

If you're in business, particularly when you're the boss, it's completely your responsibility to get the contacts that you need in order to succeed. If you don't do it, nobody is going to do it for you, so bite the bullet and just start to put these steps into place!


New Member
God, this review has caused a heated discussion between my friends and me. They did not expect to see the truth and many details regarding the ordering procedure.


New Member
Meetups are groups of people who get together regularly to do things together. Whether it's playing sports, attending concerts, or hanging out with friends, meetups are a great way to connect with people. Most cities have local meetup groups where people can find something fun to do. Birthday personality


New Member
God, my buddies and I are having a tense conversation about this review. They weren't prepared to see the reality and so many specifics about the ordering process.