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How To Become Successful In Forex Trading?



New Member
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All is well
Trading financial markets like the stock market and Forex (foreign currency market) carries some degree of risk because there is also a financial reward. You cannot expect to gain without some risk.

Financial markets all work basically the same. Everyone takes a position in the market at some entry price/level with the hope of getting out at a more favorable (profitable) price.

Forex is a very volatile (fast moving/big swings) market. The price of the currency pairs you are trading moves constantly and often in large increments. The risk is a sudden move against your position. Experienced traders are used to this fast price action. Newer traders may not be used to this volatility making it difficult for them to trade profitably.


New Member
The key to success in the forex market is to specialize in the currency pairs that trade when you're available and to use strategies that don't require around-the-clock monitoring. An automated trading platform may be the best way to accomplish this, especially for new traders or those with limited experience.